Event Safety & Rules

General Overview for Oz-STOL Rules

  1. Each pilot/aircratt combination will be allowed two takeoffs and two landings (or cycies) in the STOL event.

  2. Scores will be based on the best takeoff and landing cycle. (the best either the 1st takeoff and landing or the 2nd takeoff and landing cycle).

  3. Class and competitor assignments Example: 'Heavy touring class, Number 4'. Will be announced/posted at the pilot briefing on the morning of competition. ALL competing pilots MUST attend the pilot briefing.

  4. Pilots are responsible to observe sequence and be ready to follow previous group. Stay in order in your class know who your going to be following in the circuit.

  5. Pilots must call ground control in time to taxi for staging for their class. Failure to call and be ready on time is possible grounds for DQ. Call ground using your class and competitor number. Example: 'Oz-STOL ground heavy touring 4 is ready'. (Radio frequency will be confirmed at the pilot briefing). You will then be called to line up, the judge will wave you into position with the main wheels being stopped on the reference line. When the judges are ready and the takeoff lane is clear and safe the judge will drop the flag indicating your clear for takeoff.


  6. Oz-STOL ground will be monitoring the local CTAF as well as competition frequency. OZ-STOL ground will communicate with CTAF traffic. Competitors call base with your class number. Example: 'Number 4 is base' OZ-STOL ground will advise of traffic and spacing if required otherwise continue circuit as normal.

  7. Bad airmanship, bad behaviour, or bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated at a Oz-STOL event. Do NOT be offended if we ask you to leave.

  8. Multiple pilots are sharing one aircraft let the organizes now at the pilot briefing to allow spacing during your class for this.

  9. Competition director/chief judge will make all decisions which are final.

  10. Remember fly safe have fun and enjoy the event

Short Field Take-Off Rules

  1. Taxi into position as directed by line judge with main gear stopped on reference line.

  2. Begin take-off rol! after being given the thumbs up or flag drop by the line judge.

  3. Take-off distance will be measured from where the furthest main wheel leaves the ground for the last time. Tailwheel or nosewheel are not measured.

Short Field Landing Rules

  1. Main gear must land on or beyond the reference line.

  2. Main gear touchdown prior to reference line is disqualified. (DQ)

  3. Tailwheel touchdown prior to reference line is accepted, nosewheel or tailwhee!

    aircraft will be all judged from the main wheels.

  4. In the case of a ‘GO AROUND’ due to other traffic or safety decision that is encouraged and expected. If no contact from landing gear has been made then the pilot can fly the circuit for his next attempt and be scored. This rule is not to be abused for practice circuits. The line judge has the discretion to call it if he deems it has been abused therefore a DQ for that cycle will be issued.

  5. Aircraft must come to a full stop and remain stopped until judges have scored you and giving you the thumbs up, then taxi to the end around the last marker cone and rejoin the line for second attempt or taxi to parking.

  6. Distance will be measured from the reference line to the main landing gear.

  7. After your second attempt, taxi to parking.

Aircraft Classing Rules

  1. Classes are defined by model and certification type. If a model is not listed, we then go on MTOW.

  2. Experimental (Non-certified) aircraft will only be allowed in the light sport or bush experimental class.

  3. Competition director will make all classification determinations which will be final.

  4. The classes may not accommodate all aircraft.

    C150, C152, C170, C172, C175, C177, Maules, PA28 and other certified aircraft 600kg up to 1150kg MTOW.

    C180, C182, C185, C205, C206, C207, C210, DHC-2 and other certified aircraft 1150kg and above.

    RAA registered aircraft along with all aircraft 600kg and below.

    Carbon cub, Superstol Javron, Pa18, All highly modified bush aircraft below 1150kg